July 1, 2011
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Effective July 1, Rivit Technology Partners, a company created from metaLogic, will take full responsibility of the product division of metaLogic.
Effective July 1, Rivit Technology Partners, a company created from metaLogic, will take full responsibility of the product division of metaLogic. A decision was made recently to create a new company that would remain focused in the Lotus Domino arena. Our product division is important to us and we feel this spin off will give us all the ability to provide you and our products the important focus and attention required. The core group of people that have worked with you over the years will be part of the new company and will continue to support you. We trust this transition will have little to no impact to you our customers. Most importantly, we have exciting plans for all our products that we plan to share with you soon. Stay tuned!
Rivit technology partners provide a suite of industry leading solutions, resources, and expertise to help you leverage the most out of your email and collaborative technologies.
As a premier IBM Lotus Business partner, we will reduce the ongoing costs of your Lotus email and application platform while ensuring a robust collaborative environment.
Additionally, Rivit Technology Partners can help you plan, and execute a migration from Lotus Domino email and applications to a Cloud environment or Microsoft based platform.
Our suite of Email Management capabilities provide a foundation for long term storage without the risks associated with being tied to an aging Lotus email platform.
Rivit Technology Partners will enforce proper management of email compliance while ensuring full migration capabilities to Microsoft Exchange.
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